Presentations at meetings with regional stakeholders
Final event - 25.11.2021
- Benefits of the dynamic speed limits for the environment (Lorenzo Giovannini, UNITN)
- Replication of the environmental-related measures in the Provinces of Trento and Bolzano (Valentina Miotto, APPATN; Patrick Dalpiaz, APPABZ)
- Benefits of the dynamic speed limits for the traffic efficiency and safety (Gianluca Antonacci, CISMA)
- Replication of the traffic-related measures on the entire A22 alpine corridor (Ilaria De Biasi, A22)
- Integration scenarios between highway and cities (Roberto Cavaliere, NOI)
Project progress webinar - 04.02.2021
- The BrennerLEC project at a glance and the role of communication (ing. Carlo Costa, A22)
- Environmental framework and lockdown effects (Valentina Miotto, APPATN; Lorenzo Giovannini, UNITN)
- Variable Speed Limits management and effects on traffic fluidity (Ilaria De Biasi, A22)
- Emissions and evolution of the motorway fleet (Gianluca Antonacci, CISMA)
- Variable Speed Limits management and effects on the environment (Patrick Dalpiaz, APPABZ)
- Variable Speed Limits activation system and other traffic management measures (Roberto Cavaliere, NOI)
- Perspectives for replication of pilot measures (Ilaria De Biasi, A22; Lorenzo Giovannini, UNITN)
High policy event Bolzano - 06.02.2020
- Agenda (in Italian)
- The BrennerLEC project - Facts, proposals and prospects for making light traffic in transit on the A22 more sustainable (Costa, Autostrada del Brennero S.p.A.) [IT]
- European strategies for sustainable mobility - Innovations in freight and passenger transport and EU strategic objectives (Ruijters, DG MOVE European Commission) [DE]
- Experiences from the many years of dynamic speed application on the A1 and A10 motorways in the region of Salzburg (Austria) - Modalities, effects, acceptance (Kranabetter, Environmental Protection Division - Land Salzburg (A)) [DE]
- Clean Air Dialogue, Torino 2019 - Objectives and initiatives for air quality and climate protection in the mobility sector (Leonardi, Ministry of the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea) [IT]
- The Brenner railway tunnel - Objectives and challenges for the transfer of goods from road to rail (Ausserdorfer, Brenner Base Tunnel Observatory Consortium) [DE]
- The BrennerLEC project in the context of the EU- LIFE Programme (Lionetti, EASME) [EN]
- Sustainability of road transport in the Alpine region - Current situation and outlook for the near future (Skoniezki, EUSALP) [EN]
- The BrennerLEC project and the “AlpineBLEC” low emission Alpine corridor (Guariento, Provincial Agency for the environment and climate protection) [IT]
- Assessment of the effects on air quality and reduction of CO2 emissions from the experiments carried out in the first 2 phases of the project (Giovannini, University of Trento) [IT]
- Dynamic speed management and effects on motorway capacity - Effects of experiments and future technological developments in the C-ITS field (De Biasi, Autostrada del Brennero S.p.A.) [IT]
Second project workshop Bolzano - 23.05.2019
- Agenda (final version) (in Italian)
- Project presentation introduction (in Italian)
- Variable Speed Limits for a more efficient and safe control of highway traffic flows (in Italian)
- Variable Speed Limits for lower emissions and air pollutants concentrations (in Italian)
- Variable Speed Limits and connected / autonomous vehicles (in English)
- Connected / autonomous vehicles applications in the urban environment of Turin (in Italian)
- Future perspectives of highway traffic management due to digitalization: the point of view of A22 (in Italian)
Workshop lvh.apa - 27.02.2019: Project presentation (in Italian)
Workshop Chamber of Commerce Bolzano - 31.01.2019:
- Presentation A22 Vision (in Italian)
- Presentation Study Circulating Fleet (in Italian)
- Presentation First Empirical Results (Impacts on Environment) (in Italian)
- Presentation First Empirical Results (Impacts on Traffic Flows) (in Italian)
Event Sustainable Mobility Trentino Sviluppo - 21.09.2017: Project presentation (in Italian)
Meeting of the Action Group “Brenner Railway” - 15.05.2017: Project presentation (in Italian)
Care4Tech Kick-Off Conference - 11.05.2017: Project presentation (in Italian)
First project workshop @ Klimamobility 2017 - 20.04.2017:
- Reducing the environmental impact of traffic through smart solutions: the BrennerLEC project. Speaker: Carlo Costa, A22
- Speed limits as the mildest means – Effects in comparison to other (traffic) measures. Speaker: Ekkehard Allinger-Csollich, Land Tirol
- Connected vehicles on European roads: benefits for safety and traffic management. Speaker: Luciano Altomare, Centro Ricerche FIAT (CRF)