APP competition

  • What is the purpose of the competition?

    The aim of the competition is to raise awareness among motorway users through a game with prizes to respect the dynamic speed limits on the motorway, tested in the framework of the EU BrennerLEC project.
  • How does the competition work?

    The competition is based on an APP that, thanks to the GPS receiver in its smartphone, is able to calculate the average speed of travel in the pilot highway section. If there is a dynamic speed limit, the user can accumulate or lose points, depending on his speed of travel. Differently from the past, the possibility to earn or lose points is independent from the activation of the variable speed limits tested in the BrennerLEC project; this means that at every transit it is possible to earn points. At the end of the competition, based on the total score obtained, it is possible to take part in a final lottery and win one of the prizes.
  • How can I participate to the competition?

    There are two steps you can take to enter the competition.

    First, you need to install the Shelly APP from Apple or Android stores.

    APP for Apple devices:

    APP for Android devices:

    We recommend to set the automatic update of the APP so to ensure that the latest version of the APP is used.

    Secondly, you must create an account within the Shelly APP. This is a simple task you can perform by giving your cellular phone number. Once this is completed, the points are already automatically accumulated in the event of transit on the motorway, but are not visible. For a correct functioning, it is recommended to have the APP active and to enable the GPS and the Bluetooth modules.

    Third, you must subscribe to the BrennerLEC competition. In order to do this, you have to go the “BrennerLEC” card and click on “register”. This subscription takes place with the Autostrada del Brennero SpA (see screenshot below). Once this is completed, the points are also associated to a physical person, who can partecipate to the final lottery and win one of the prizes which are made availabe.

    Points are only awarded to the user once he/she has registered for the contest. During registration, the user will have to provide some personal data, including:

    - Name 

    - Last name

    - Telephone number / email address

    - Residence 

    The phone number / email address is required to contact the user in case he/she won the prize. The residence is requested because the assignment of prizes is differentiated according to the origin of the users (Autonomous Province of Bolzano, Autonomous Province of Trento, outside the region).

  • What is the motorway section associated with the competition?

    The motorway section is the entire stretch between the toolbooths of Egna / Ora / Termeno and S.Michele, in both directions of travel.
  • When does the competition start and end?

    The first competition started on 15.11.2019, and was suspended because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The new official competition start is 01.10.2020. The competition was closed on 30.09.2021.
  • How are the points assigned?

    The logic for assigning points is summarised in the following table.

  • Are the points immediately updated? Where can I check this?

    Yes, they are. You can check the updated score in the BrennerLEC card (see screenshot below).

  • Which prizes can I win?

    Each user has a chance to win a prize if his total score at the end of the competition is strictly greater than zero. All the following prizes are awarded by draw at the end of the competition. 

    There are three prize categories, defined according to the number of total transits made during the duration of the competition (including those in which the dynamic speed limits were not activated):

    Category “casual users”: for users who have made fewer than 50 transits

    Category “occasional users”: for users who have made between 50 and 149 transits

    Category “commuters”: for users who have made more than 149 transits

    Each category is divided into three sub-categories, depending on the residence indicated: Autonomous Province of Bolzano, Autonomous Province of Trento, outside the region. A user may therefore fall into only one of the 9 prize categories defined in total.

    There is an absolute first prize which can be accessed by all users. The prize is an electric bike worth € 2,500.

    For each category of prize there are three prizes, as shown in the table below. Each user can only participate in the lottery of the corresponding category defined as the union between the prize category and the region of competence. In the event that there are more prizes for a certain category than users admitted to the lottery, a prize will be awarded for each user and the remaining prizes will be redistributed to the other categories. In any case, a user has the opportunity to win a maximum of one prize.

    There are also a number of smaller prizes, for a total amount of 900 €. The list of minor prizes is as follows:

    Rechargeable power banks

    Thermal bottles

    The prize draw will take place at the end of the competition. The prize winners are drawn in a random digital system by the BrennerLEC project partners, under the supervision of one or more neutral persons. The draw identifies the names of the winners but the prize that each of them will receive is not yet awarded. The latter selection is made by random draw during a final award event. Winners are notified by phone or e-mail and invited to this final event, where they will find out which prize they have won.

  • How is user privacy handled?

    All aspects of privacy protection are explained to the user when creating an account on the APP and while registering to the competition. In that respect the reference organizations are Top Evolutions S.r.l. (developer of the Shelly APP) and Autobrennero S.p.A., respectively.
  • Can I enter the contest using multiple smartphones?

    No, it’s not possible. Or better: it’s possible to create an account with the same mobile phone number on several devices, but you can have just one device active at a certain time.
  • Are there no dangers in using the APP during motorway transit?

    It is recommended never to use the APP and the smartphone in general on the motorway. We recommend that you start the Shelly APP before starting a trip with your car. The battery consumption of the APP is pretty low. When you enter the pilot motorway section an automatic notification will be transmitted.
  • What additional services does the APP offer?

    The Shelly APP is designed and structured to stimulate the user to use the application on a daily basis. When you enter the APP, a menu appears consisting of several sections (“cards”) based on the type of location-based service and information sought.