The partnership
The project is coordinated by Autostrada del Brennero SpA (the society in charge of the management of the A22 Brenner Motorway) in partnership with the environmental agencies of Bolzano and Trento, the University of Trento, the local agency CISMA and NOI Techpark.
Each partner has important specific competences they consolidated during years of activity. This mix of competences and experiences allows to have a project team meeting the ambitious objectives that BrennerLEC wanted to achieve. These specificities are summarized hereafter:
Autostrada del Brennero: it has been builder and manager of the A22 motorway since 1959 and has a long experience in the management of a motorway in close contact with the Alpine environment. It also has to face daily problems related to the management of heavy goods and tourists traffic.
Agencies for the environment of Trento and Bolzano: provincial authorities for the control and management of air quality and responsible for the planning of the environmental protection policies.
University of Trento: scientific competence center in the environmental engineering field and in particular in meteorology and in the management of mathematical forecasting models.
CISMA: local company specialized in environmental assessments and in the development and use of complex calculation algorithms to be used in the implementation of decision support systems.
NOI Techpark: technological innovation center supporting the local industry having specific competences in the “smart mobility” field and with several experiences in the management of EU projects. NOI Techpark substituted IDM Südtirol / Alto Adige in the consortium since 1.1.2019.
Furthermore, the project has been supported externally by observers with a technical and strategical high value that gave a productive contribution for the success of the project. Among them in particular the Environmental Ministry, the Transport Ministry, the Austrian motorway operator (ASFINAG) and the Agencies for Environment of the Lombardy, Emilia Romagna and Veneto regions.