[Publication Date: October 2018]

On 10-13 September 2018 the 1st AISAM congress was held in Bologna, organized by the AISAM association (Associazione Italiana Scienze Atmosferiche e Meteorologia - Italian Association of Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology) whose aim is to promote, for the benefit of society as a whole, the development of the sciences of atmosphere and meteorology in Italy.

The congress was the first in a series of meetings of the Italian scientific community that deals in various ways with atmospheric sciences, meteorology and climatology and has addressed the scientific (academy, research), technological (public or private industry), and the world of meteorological services providers (civil protection, regions, public or private bodies).

During the fourth day, dedicated to practical applications of meteorological forecasting services, CISMA had the opportunity to present the pilot actions implemented within the BrennerLEC project.

Congress program (in Italian language)

Project presentation (in Italian language)